I've been back from vacation for 2 weeks now & I'm just getting around to posting about our last 3 days of vacation. Boy am I a slacker. But then, you already knew that.
We really didn't do much the last couple of days we were in Utah. On Thursday Andrea and I went down to Orem to do some more shopping and a little visiting.
We shopped at a clothing thrift store called Plato's Closet. It is geared more towards teenagers and young adults. But Andrea managed to find an outfit to wear to Taylor's wedding reception there. Andrea had fun trying on clothes, I just held the clothes & watched as she modeled each outfit. The place was hopping. Seemed like the "in" place to buy used clothes.
After shopping we went to "In & Out" for lunch. They finally have them in Utah now, and they are just as packed as the ones in California.
We then met up with some friends of mine, Launi & Laurie. They are sisters & lived in our ward in El Cajon when I was a teenager. I was friends with both of them. In fact, I was a bridesmaid when Laurie got married.
They moved to Utah after Launi & I graduated from high school. I moved to Utah a few years later. Launi was Brandon's babysitter for awhile when he was about 2 years old.
It was great fun getting to visit with them for an hour or so. Neither has changed much. And yes, I am looking through rose colored glasses. We are all still young and thin. Ok, ok, only Andrea is. But Launi is still a hoot. She has a blog called Gracious Rain. You should check it out, and see for yourself. I love Launi's sense of humor.
Next Andrea & I drove down to Provo to go to The Quilted Bear store. It's a store full of hand crafted items as well as home decor stuff. You know, my kind of store. They have 3 stores in Utah. Once upon a time they had a location in Las Vegas that I would visit. But it looks like they now only have the 3 stores in Utah.
That pretty much sums up Thursday. I can't remember what we did for dinner. But we did hang out with Todd and the girls in the evening. We probably watched a movie since this is what we did most every night.
UPDATED 8/22/10: I now remember what we did for dinner on Thursday night. We went up to Salt Lake City to Melissa's house for dinner. DOY!!! How could I forget that? But I forgot to take any photos while there.
And for those of you in the family who don't know who Melissa is. She is Marilyn's daughter so that makes her my cousin.
We had a great time visiting with Melissa and Scott and met their 3 girls. They have a beautiful home. But would you expect any less from Melissa.
Melissa fixed pork tacos that were so yummy. We had a fabulous rice and black beans as well. And she had a killer salsa. Now I make a pretty killer salsa, but Melissa's was even better. I'll have to get the recipe from her.
On the way home it was lightning & thundering. We did see a bolt of lightning hit something far off in the distance as what ever it hit lit up like it was on fire, then there was a huge blue glow for a little bit. Probably hit a transformer of some sort. I tried to get some lightning on video, but kept just missing it.
On Friday I didn't take any photos. Andrea met one of her friends Amy for lunch a few miles from Todd's house. I dropped her off at the restaurant & then went shopping at Walmart. About an hour and a half later Andrea called me & said she was ready to be picked up. I said goodbye to Todd (he was working at Walmart) and he was surprised that I was still at Walmart. He had already been to lunch & back. I told him, I didn't even get to see everything in Walmart. I could be there for hours if I wanted. He was so surprised (I guess he doesn't know girls very well).
After I picked up Andrea we again went shopping down in Orem/Provo. Now that I'm thinking about it, it may have been Friday that we went to The Quilted Bear & not Thursday. If that was the case, I can't remember what we did Thursday afternoon. Oh well, I'm sure it was shopping. Seems like we mostly went shopping on this trip. My kind of vacation!!!!
Friday evening Andrea, Todd, Julianna & I went to dinner at KFC. Mari couldn't go as she had to work.
Saturday morning we left Todd's house about 7am. We drove to Provo to pick up Andrea's boys from EFY. Sounds like they all have a blast. Simon said he had so much fun. I asked him if he wanted to go again next year. He said probably not, as he had more than his fill of Mormon's to last him a few years. He is too funny.
We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast before leaving town. We got on the road about 8:30am. Simon and his friend Fielding rode in the truck with Andrea and me. Andrea's nephew Troy was driving a car that followed us all the way home. Troy's youngest brother Eric & Andrea's son Nate road in Troy's car.
We stopped in Cedar City for gas and for Troy & Nate to trade off driving.
We did stop in Mesquite, NV to go to the bathroom & switch drivers. Plus Del Taco was having 39 cent tacos. So we ate tacos and we were on our way again.
We again stopped in Jean, NV so Troy & Nate could switch drivers again. And one final stop in Barstow. Troy & Nate switched driving every time we stopped. Andrea & I only switched in Mesquite.
Our final destination was not home, but the OC (Orange County) Fair. Jamey was working at the fair. We were suppose to meet up at the fair with Jamey and my hubby Mike. We got there about 6pm. Met Mike in the parking lot so I could put all my stuff in our car.
Jamey then got all of us into the fair for free. And you know how I love free. He even had hotel rooms for us at the local Motel 6.
Once we were at the fair, we all split up & went our separate ways. Mike and I had a fun time at the fair. But I was soooo tired from driving all day.
Here are some of my favorite things about going to the fair.
Mike & I spent about 4 hours at the fair. We pretty much saw everything we wanted to see. Afterwards we went to the Motel 6 where Jamey had a room reserved for us. Never did see Andrea and Jamey. But did see some of the boys in the swimming pool. I asked them where they had eaten dinner. Simon said there was a Jack in the Box down the street.
Mike and I were starving by this time so we got in our car to find some place to eat. Mike wanted to find a Denny's or a Coco's. Something like that. But we couldn't find anything. We finally stopped at a Circle K to ask. The workers had no clue, so I asked the customers. Some drunk guy who was buying more booze told me about "Norm's". Said it was like Denny's, only better. He gave me directions that turned out to be correct.
This was our first time eating at "Norm's". I had seen commercials for them on TV, just had never seen one. Let me tell you, the food was pretty good. And cheap! Plus you got a lot of food. Mike had a rack of ribs for $12.00. Came with soup and salad, bread, rack of ribs, french fries and coleslaw. I had the steak & shrimp special for $9.99. Mine came with soup and salad, steak, 6 big shrimp, baked potato and green beans. We couldn't eat all the food. Lucky for us, the motel room had a little fridge to put the left overs in.
And now for a tour of our Motel 6 room:
All in all, it was a good room. Did have a good night sleep. By the time Mike & I checked out Sunday morning (11am), Andrea's family had already gone back to the fair. I was too tired to go back, so Mike and I headed home.
So there you have the final report of what I did on my summer vacation.
I had a great time hanging out with Andrea all week and getting to spend time with Todd and his girls. The food was good, the shopping was good and the company was even better. I told Andrea we need to do this every year.
P.S. And now for my contest. How many times did I mention Walmart in all my posts about this vacation? There are 3 different posts. The first person with the correct answer will win something. I don't know what yet, but I'll think of something. Probably something from Walmart. lol. Leave your guesses in comments. Contest ends when someone guesses correctly. And yes, the Walmart's mentioned in this PS also count.
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