Eric already posted a little about our family Christmas at Mom & Dad's house. But before going to Mom & Dad's on Christmas, my family had to open gifts at our house first.
Now my family doesn't get up early for Christmas. I had to wake most everyone up at 9:30 so that we might have enough time to get ready & open gifts before leaving for Mom & Dad's house. We were suppose to be at their house about noon. And it takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get there.
So we had to rush our Christmas a little. Which meant that I didn't take very many photos.
I'll start off with the stockings. It seems that I had great intentions of making new stockings for my family this year. So I didn't get out our old stockings from the attic. But here it was 1am on Christmas morning & my stockings were not done. In fact, they hadn't even been started. What is a mom to do?
Ziplock to the rescue!!! We had a
Ziplock stocking Christmas.

How convenient that there is a place to write a name on the bag. Photo was actually taken late Christmas eve or early Christmas morning before I went to bed. I was up till 1am wrapping gifts. I tried not to get in Santa's way as he was filling the fabulous stockings.

Here is a closeup of Jesse's stocking. The boys all got a kick out of my
Ziplock stockings.

I didn't take any photos of us actually opening up the gifts. They got nothing exciting this year, just the usual underwear, socks, t-shirts, etc. Here are all my "boys" after the damage had been done.

Mike getting into his pumpkin seed stash I gave him. I always give Mike a stash of different kind of nuts & seeds.

Jesse with one of his gifts. I think it was the Transformers movie I got him.

And Brandon. Both boys got new blankets for their beds.
I never got photos of what everyone got. Nor any photos of me. And when we got down to Mom & Dad's, I realized that I had left my camera at home. So I didn't get any photos at Mom & Dad's. Luckily Jodi took lots of photos there & some have already been posted on this blog by Eric (Jodi made copies of the photos for me & Eric while we were down there).
I will now post copies of the photos that had my family.

Danica & me. I forgot to put on my mascara. My glasses are just cheap reading glasses from the dollar store. I seem to need them to see everything now. Danica now has to wear glasses all the time.

Mike wanted to horn in on our photo shoot.

Jase & Brandon.

Santa Mike

Jesse doesn't like having his photo taken (Andrea's kids seem to have the same problem).

Santa & Mrs Claus, aka: Mike & me. I just opened up my gift from Jodi.

Jodi kept trying to take Jesse's photo. And he kept putting up his hand. Really it's because he only has one eye. Just kidding!

Brandon & Grandpa aka: Dad

I think he has had a little too much Pepsi.
The "Wow" rock was a no show this year. Brandon can't seem to remember where he put it. Everyone was
disappointed. We were going to make a new one, but time just ran out. Maybe next year. And who knows, maybe it will show up for
some one's birthday.
After we ate a fabulous Christmas dinner, Mike, Jesse & I went to visit our Grandson Gunner. I borrowed Mom's camera to take photos there.
Brandan (my step son) and his family were at Crystal's (my daughter in law) parents condo.

Here is Gunner trying to open up one of the gifts we brought him.

Grandma got me some t-shirts? How can I play with t-shirts?
Brandan opening up our gift to him & Crystal. New stainless steel cookware.
Brandan was so happy he cried. He would love to be a chef someday. This cookware will help.
Brandan is telling his wife Crystal that she won't have to cook dinner anymore. The perfect gift for her. I guess I forgot to take a photo of Crystal. Oops!

Gunner is 28 months old now & it quite tall. He doesn't talk yet. And is always on the move. It is hard to take photos of him as he never sits still for long.

It was fun getting to spend some time with my Grandson.
After we visited with
Brandan's little family, we went back to Mom & Dad's house to get my Brandon so we could go home. By the time we got back, Eric's family had already left as well.
Once we were home, Jesse's mom came by & picked him up to spend some time with her over the weekend. And I watched "The Holiday" and "Pride & Prejudice" (
DVD's I got for Christmas).
On Sat 12/26 we went over to Eric's house for dinner. Andrea's family was stopping by on their way home from Arizona (where they spent Christmas). So our three families got a chance to visit & eat some more good food. But no one took any photos. Sorry.
The rest of the weekend was spent lounging around the house watching movies and or TV or playing video games. I also got "The Tudors"
DVD's the first two seasons. I watched the entire first season & most of the second season. Danica warned me that it was pretty
racy & she was right. But I love this series. I'm totally hooked. Now I need to get the third season. And I wish that I had Showtime so I could watch the current season. I guess I must wait for the DVD version.
So there you have my version of Christmas 2009. It was pretty sparse in the present department, but overflowing in family, love & memories. The part that really counts.
What did your family do for Christmas? Be sure to post about it. And you can post about your favorite Christmas gift as well. I will probably post about mine in a day or two.