I know that Christmas was almost 10 days ago. But I'm late in posting about ours and showing you our photos from opening gifts on Christmas morning.
Now my family does not get up early on Christmas morning. Never has, never will. Could be as most of us don't get to bed until after 2am. But even when Brandon was a small child, he never got up early on Christmas.
Nothing like my childhood where we would all go to bed with flashlights & then get up in the middle of the night to see what Santa had brought. And still got up early even though we already knew what Santa brought.
Nope, my family likes to sleep in on Christmas morning.
This Christmas was no exception. My family didn't even get up until around 11am. We didn't even open gifts until 1pm. Mike did make us omelets and hash browns for breakfast.

Above is the gift that I got from Andrea's family. It's already out in my front yard welcoming everyone. At least it is, until I take down my Christmas decor. Yep, it's still up.

Reading my Christmas card from Mike. He has learned over the years that I like the mushy ones better than the funny ones. But if they are both mushy & funny, that is the bomb!

Opening up one of my gifts from Mike. A large self healing mat so that I have something to cut fabric on. He also got me a rotary cutter and a quilting ruler (even though I don't quilt, I just wanted it for cutting fabric).

Jesse opening up the power inverter we, I mean, Santa, got him for his truck.

Brandon opening up the XBox live annual subscription card Santa got him.


Mike got a Soda Blaster from Brandon. Just what he wanted. It's kind of like a sand blaster, but it uses baking soda instead of sand.

And what did Brandon give me? Why a Silhouette digital cutting machine. Just what I wanted. Brandon is way better than Santa.

Jesse opening up another of his gifts from Santa.

It's a Bucket Head wet/dry vac and a bucket to use it on.

Santa even brought Mike a new inner tube for his unicycle. Isn't Santa the best? Wait, Brandon is the best. Santa comes in 2nd this year.

Santa, I mean I, got Mike this new paint spray gun contraption to hook up to his compressor. Now I should be able to get him to paint more furniture for me. Aren't I sneaky? I'm always putting him first.
I'm not showing photos of all the gifts we got. Or we'd be here all month. Just kidding. We really had a small Christmas this year. Jesse got a couple of socket sets and Brandon got some new windshield wipers and some sour patch straws. The only other gifts to open were from Andrea's family.
About 3pm, after opening gifts, we drove over to Eric's house for Christmas dinner. Luckily, Eric only lives about 20 minutes from me. This was the first year that we did not get together with Mom, Dad and Jodi. They were going to come up, but decided they would spend a leisurely day at home by themselves. It was weird having such a small get together for Christmas.
But we still had 11 people at Eric's (his family, Taylor and Michael and my family). Jeannette cooked the ham, green beans, made a tossed salad and a cranberry salad. I brought the cheese potatoes and the home made ranch dressing for the tossed salad (per Cade's request). It was a very yummy dinner, but the company was even better. Just wish everyone from our family could have been there.
And can you believe that I forgot to take any photos while we were at Eric & Jeannette's house? I can't believe it either. I have 2 blogs and I forgot to take photos.
I guess I was enjoying the food, um, the company too much. That's it, I was enjoying the company too much.
So what did your family do for Christmas? And what was your favorite gift this year? And what did you eat for Christmas dinner? Do tell!