For Easter my family went over to Eric & Jeannette's house for brunch. We went between sessions of General Conference.
Jeannette fixed some kind of Mexican scrambled eggs (very yummy), some killer salsa (avocados and grape tomatoes), ham slices, English muffins and orange juice. I brought our family holiday green jello salad. Brunch was very yummy! We were so busy eating that I forgot to take any photos of the food or us at the tables.
After brunch we had an Easter egg hunt.

Eric looking for an egg.

Jesse looking. Check out the fancy Easter bags that Danica gave them. lol.

Cade counting his eggs. They were told they could each only find six.

Brandon opted not to have a bag for his loot.

Danica was the one in charge of hiding the eggs. She was busy taking photos as well. Haven't seen her photos yet.

Cade, Eric & Mike

Afterwards we all sat around just visiting. Mike, Eric, Jase, Jack (the dog), Tara (Cade's girlfriend). The weather was pretty nice. It was only cool when the wind blew. Today is another story however. Today (Monday) it is cold & rainy in my neck of the woods.

Cade & his girlfriend Tara.

Eric & their dog Jack.

Eric & Jeannette

Brandon & Eric. Check out Eric's boots with his shorts.

Eric's family: Cade, Eric, Jack (dog #1), Jase (in back), Jeannette, Danica (Luke their other dog). Taylor is still at BYU Idaho. She comes home for a short visit next week. And did you notice Jase is now wearing glasses?

My family: Jesse, Kim (me), Mike & Brandon
We had a nice time over at Eric's house. But then we always do.
Afterward we went home & watched the final session of conference (well the last hour). Took a short nap. Got up about 3:30 to start cooking dinner when all of a sudden, EARTHQUAKE!!!!
Luckily we are over 100 miles away from the epicenter. So we only got a rolling motion. Which was lucky for me as I was standing underneath all our heavy hanging pots and pans. I could have been killed if they fell down. So we didn't feel the earthquake too much at our house. But our pool water was sloshing all around like it was a wave pool. Wish I had thought to get out my camera & take a video.
We always go to the
USGS website right after an earthquake to see where it was at & how big. When Mike pulled up the website the blue box showing the size of the earthquake was huge. The biggest we had ever seen. 7.2 earthquake to be exact. But down in Baja Mexico, near Mexicali.
Eric said his family was upstairs at his house when the earthquake happened. It scared him enough that he yelled for everyone to run outside.
Jodi called us & said the earthquake was pretty strong at their house since they live much closer to the epicenter than we do. She was pretty shaken up by it. But they were OK.
Didn't hear a report from Andrea's family. Jodi did say that they were going over to Andrea's for dinner last night. So I'm sure she got the scoop. I just haven't heard it.
So that pretty much sums up Easter for this part of the Langston clan. Our Easter was filled with lots of eggs and some rockin' and rollin'.
What did your family do for Easter? And if you are in southern California, did you feel the earthquake? Looks like California escaped the big one. Are you prepared?

Here is the latest earthquake map. Look at all the aftershocks!