Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sweet Grass Ranch in Montana-Vacation

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Nathan's High School Graduation
It was fun, but it was really long and alot of people had those stupid air horns.
Yuck, they were way too loud.
Nathan & Grandma (Dorothy)
Andrea's Family,
Dorothy and Carlos,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Brandon!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Marti!!!
Today is Marti's birthday.
Marti is Grandpa & Grandma Manning's oldest grandchild.
She is Joni's oldest daughter.
So that makes her my oldest cousin.
Did you notice a theme Marti? Oldest is the operative word today. I knew you would appreciate me bringing up the fact that you are old.
I too am old. Just not as old as Marti!!! lol
You know we love you Marti! You are the greatest!!!!!


and the rest of the fam damily
Marti is Grandpa & Grandma Manning's oldest grandchild.
She is Joni's oldest daughter.
So that makes her my oldest cousin.
Did you notice a theme Marti? Oldest is the operative word today. I knew you would appreciate me bringing up the fact that you are old.
I too am old. Just not as old as Marti!!! lol
You know we love you Marti! You are the greatest!!!!!


and the rest of the fam damily
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What I did on my (pre) summer vacation

Just got back from the most exciting vacation. I just had to share with you all the excitement that I had.
What do you mean I didn't go anywhere.
So how could I get back from something that I never went to?
OK, you caught me. I actually had a staycation instead of a vacation.
So what fun & exciting things did I do on my staycation?
I'm so glad you asked. I had so many plans. I was going to get so many projects done being at home all week. So many that I was going to have a ton of things to share with you all over the next few weeks.
So how did I do?
First off, my staycation started off with an ouch. A big ouch! I wrenched my back somehow on Saturday.

It was a good thing I wasn't hosting a Memorial Day BBQ this year. I was pretty looped.

BFF & I had so much fun visiting with some old friends.

Oprah had been wondering where I had been. She was so happy to see I had time for her again.

And we can't forget Dr Phil. He was so excited that I was spending time with him that he even had some of my other friends the Housewives of Orange County over for a visit as well.

I was even officially introduced to Dr Oz. I knew that he was friends with Oprah. And I had seen him a few times, but had never been formally introduced. We have now. And we are the bestest of buds. Except he says I need to lose some weight & eat better. Whatever!!!!
By Wednesday my back was feeling better so I thought I might try something new and adventurous.
On Thursday was my wedding anniversary. Mike & I had big plans. But we had no money to actually pull them off. And my front tooth crown decided to break off. So instead of doing something romantic and/or fun, I got to do this instead:

Did I tell you that I hate dentists?
And what did Mike get me for our anniversary? A new $1000.00 tooth. Isn't he the greatest?

We were able to salvage the day by going out to dinner.

I told Mike he could only choose off the 2 for $20.00 menu. You get to choose 1 appetizer and two entrees.
For the appetizer we picked boneless buffalo wings. We got the Honey BBQ ones. They were pretty yummy.

Our original plan was to go to dinner & then to the movies. But I was so full from dinner and the movie we wanted to see didn't start until almost 10pm. We decided to go to the movie another night. Besides, I still had 3 more days of vacation. I had to spread the fun around.
I was having so much fun on my staycation that I can't even remember what we did on Friday and most of Saturday. I'm sure it was more napping & spending time with my BFF. Too much excitement for me to remember.
On Saturday night we managed to sneak in a little movie time.

It was a hard decision. We almost couldn't decide. Finally we had to do "Eeny meeny miney mo". And guess which movie won? I know the suspense is killing you. But you know how I love to tease. Ok, ok, it was Robin Hood. Who would have ever thought?

It was a pretty good movie. We liked it. There will most definitely be a sequel. That is, if they made enough money from this one.
Do you want to know the best part about free movie tickets? We can afford refreshments. You knew it was going to come down to food. We purchased a drink cup at the beginning of the year. Each time you bring it back, you can refill it for $1.00. And then we get a large popcorn which can be refilled for free. So we always eat one bag at the movie and get it refilled right before going home so we can enjoy popcorn later at home. Still tastes pretty good the next day.
Finally the last day of my vacation rolled around. And finally we get some excitement. At Jesse's expense. But we got excitement.
You see, someone broke into Jesse's truck sometime early Sunday morning and stole his stereo, GPS, 2 thumb drives, his backpack full of clothes & a new drill. It seems he locked his truck, but left the window down an inch. That was all the thieves needed to be able to unlock the door & rip him off. He learned a hard expensive lesson that day. Don't leave your window down any & don't leave valuables in your vehicle.
And there you have it. The review of my exciting vacation. Don't you wish you could have come along?

What are you plans for vacation this summer? I still have a couple of weeks of vacation time to use up. Just wish I had some money to go somewhere. I don't think I could handle another staycation as exciting as this one.

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