Brandon & I were driving home from work when I got a phone call from Mike. He said "I have some good news, some really good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" I said "the good news". He said "the good news is that ugly pampas grass bush that I hate is no more. The really good news is we still have a house. And the bad news is there was a little fire".

Lucky for us, the neighbor across the street on this side just got home from work & saw the bush on fire. He alerted Mike. Luckily Mike was home. Normally he wouldn't be, but today he was. Mike used the garden hose from the back yard to try & put the fire out.
The fire department came & finished putting out the fire. I hated that I missed seeing the sexy firemen.
Mike did inhale a lot of smoke. Took him to the doctor, but he will be fine. Doctor gave him an inhaler of some sort. Maybe I should get him a fireman's hat as an award for saving our house. He is my hero. My own personal sexy fireman.
I'm just so thankful that Mike was home at the time of the fire. If not, our house probably would have burnt down. The fire was traveling down the fence towards our house by the time Mike started putting it out. And the pepper tree had started to burn as well.
I'm so thankful for our neighbors who alerted Mike and called the fire department.
Just wish that Brandon & I were here to see it all. Then I could have had some real cool photos for the blog.
Now if only I hadn't just raised our homeowners deductible from $500 to $1000. Ouch! You live and learn.
Too bad the ugly agave plants didn't burn. I guess I shouldn't be greedy.