OK, you've already had Jodi's version of Taylor's bridal shower from last Saturday. Now you will get my version.
The shower was held at Eric & Jeannette's house (Taylor's parents), but was given by some family friends.

Here is Taylor (on the right) posing with Jenny (one of the friends who threw her the party). Along with some of the yummy food. Did you notice my salsa?

Doesn't this cake look yummy? One of the girls at the party made it. I don't remember her name, but the cake was very tasty & looked fabulous.

Aunt Andrea & Taylor. Sorry but a lot of my photos are a little blurry. I hate to use a flash & if I am not completely still (which is hard for me to do), you get a little blurriness.

Aunt Kimmy (that would be me) and Taylor. What is up with my funny face? I take terrible pictures. No, Jodi took this photo. She just took it when I was making a terrible face.

But I got Jodi back as this photo is fuzzy. Aunt Jodi & Taylor.

Grandma Dorothy & Taylor.

Taylor's loot before opening presents.

The best part of the shower? The food. We had meatballs, deli meat, cheese & crackers, fruit bowl, grapes, veggie tray (which arrived after this photo was taken), Oriental Chicken salad, chips and my famous salsa. Everyone raved about my salsa (yes, I am puffing up in pride). And we can't forget the awesome cake for dessert.

The food was so tasty that it deserves another photo. I'm getting hungry again just looking at it.

I think Danica decorated for the shower. She used red & black for the colors with some vintage Coca Cola stuff. Here she displayed some red carnations in some reproduction Coke bottles.

The only game that was played was we were suppose to guess how much money this gift of kitchen items cost. I thought it was going to be a trick question so I guessed low. My guess was around $25.00. The actual cost was like $65.00. So needless to say, I didn't win. The gal who did guess the closest won a candle.
This was one of Taylor's gifts. It was from the 3 gals who threw the shower.

Then we were all suppose to write down some marriage advice for the bride to be. I'll bet the most popular advice was "not to go to bed angry at each other". I wrote not to yell too loud at each other or the neighbors will call the cops. Not really. But that would have been funny to write. I wrote something about being forgiving of one another, or something along those lines.

These vases held some more red & white carnations. I think they will be using these vases on the tables at the reception. Hopefully I'm allowed to say that. Otherwise, I might be uninvited.

Here is Taylor reading the card I made for her. Yes, I was crafty. Really I was just being cheap. Cards are like $4.00 a pop now at a regular store. I usually get mine from Dollar Tree (2 for $1.00), but I forgot, so I had to make mine.

Here is Taylor opening up my gift. Again, I went the cheap route & wrapped my gift in paper from Dollar Tree. But it was Kraft paper with a lace overlay. So it was pretty. I then used twine to tie it up & make a bow. I couldn't find my ribbon.

And here is my hand made gift. In case you can't read it, it says "Eternal". I made it by taking photos of stuff around my house that look like letters. If you want to know more on how I made it, you can read all about it on my
Starshine Chic blog. And yes, I caught Taylor making a funny face. But she loved it. My gift, not the photo, or the funny face.

Taylor opening up Andrea's gift.

A naughty negligee. She was a little embarrassed getting sexy lingerie. But I would have been too at her age.

And now Taylor is opening up the gift from Grandma Dorothy & Jodi.

A toaster oven.

Jodi also gave her 3 different photo displays (I don't know what you would call them). One with photos of Taylor over the years. One with photos of her fiancee Michael over the years. And one with the both of them together. Another fabulous gift.

Her bouquet made from the ribbons from her gifts. Not that many ribbons as a lot of gifts came in gift bags which don't have ribbons.

Taylor & her favorite sister Danica. Wait, Danica is her only sister. So either way, Danica is her favorite sister.

Taylor with her Aunt Laura (on the left) & her meems Jeannette aka: Mom (on the right). Laura is Jeannette's sister. Can't you tell?

And one final look at the fabulous gift I made Taylor.
I hope you enjoyed seeing Taylor's bridal shower one more time. We all had a good time & Taylor got some fabulous gifts. And now on to the wedding which will be 3 weeks from this Saturday.