Well I've been such a slacker. I'm finally getting around to posting about Daniella & Dusty's wedding which happened about 30 days ago.
I know that Jodi already posted her
version. But mine is better. At least a tad bit more entertaining. Don't worry, Jodi knows I love her.

For those of you who do not know who Daniella is, well she is Todd's 2nd oldest daughter. So that makes her my niece.

Daniella & Dusty got sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City temple on Saturday 5/28/11.

The temps that day were on the cool side. But the sun did come out & warm us while we were waiting on the temple grounds.

Loved this bench that Mike is sitting on. He wanted me to walk around temple square & take photos. But I was afraid that Daniella & Dusty would emerge from the temple and we would miss them.

Here is Mari and her boyfriend Ladd. Mari is Todd's oldest daughter. So that makes her Daniella's big sister and another of my nieces.

My son Brandon.

This is my ex sister in law Cathi (on the right). She is the mother of the bride. Here she is with her girlfriend Kim (on the left). I hadn't seen Cathi in years. It was good to visit with her again.

Cathi with 4 of her 6 children. Mari, Julianna, Erin Grace & Tyler. Daniella was still inside getting married. And Colin couldn't come to the wedding. He is in the Air Force so he couldn't get away. I don't know why I never took a photo of Todd and his kids (these same kids). Probably as he was inside attending the sealing. The rest of us were taking photos outside to pass the time away.

Finally the family started emerging from the temple. Cathi went over to say "hi" to Todd. It was good to see that the two of them could put aside their differences for the occasion.

Three of Todd & Cathi's daughters. Mari, Julianna & Erin Grace.

Mom & Jodi after the temple sealing. Waiting for Daniella & Dusty to emerge from the temple.

Everyone is anxiously waiting.

Finally Daniella & Dusty come out of the temple.

Give your wife a big smooch Dusty!

They are such a cute couple.

Daniella with her mom Cathi.

Then it was time to take photos on the temple steps. Technically you only have 20 minutes to do so. At least that is what another impatient photographer told us.
This is Dusty's family. I don't have any of our family as we were all busy being in the photo that we didn't have anyone to take the photo of us. Except for the photographer, but she was busy taking her own photos.

While we were up on the steps Mike had to get a photo of the doorknobs. They are fabulous.

Then Mike took this photo of everyone down at the bottom of the steps. You can see the back of me. I'm to the right of the bride.

The "Grandma's" getting their photo taken with the bride.

Jodi & Julianna goofing off between photos.

The bride's parents. Todd and Cathi.

The bridesmaids. Julianna is to the left of Daniella. And Mari is to the right. The other 2 girls are Dusty's sisters. Daniella's other sister Erin Grace was an honorary bridesmaid.

Erin Grace didn't seem to mind.

I like this photo of the bridesmaids jumping. It looks like Daniella is floating.

The proud papa Todd.

Dad & Mom aka: Grandpa and Grandma visiting with Brandon.

I love this photo of Daniella and Julianna.

All 4 sisters.

The groom and his groomsmen.

Everyone is a photographer these days.

More waiting. I'm sure we took double the allotment of time for taking photos on the temple steps.

Do you think these alcoves were made just for taking photos like this?

I do believe they were.

We can't forget the shoes. Forget fancy high heels. This bride wanted to be comfortable along with her bridesmaids.

Are we done taking photos yet? Isn't that what Todd's look is saying?

Julianna looks bored. Dad just wants to know when it is nap time.

Nope, the photographer isn't quite done. Just one or two more photos.

Speaking of photographers. I was trying to practice my photo skills with these flowers. I still have so much to learn.

Temple square always has so many beautiful things to photograph. I now wish I had walked around temple square taking photos while we waited as Mike had suggested. Maybe next time.

The End. But really it is the beginning of Daniella and Dusty's wonderful life together, forever.
If you made it through this entire post, you deserve a medal. I know it had a lot of photos. But I didn't want you to miss a thing. Didn't you feel like you were right there? Of course you do.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll post about their reception. And then I still need to report about the rest of our trip. Plus I still have to post about Cade's (Eric's son) high school graduation and Danica's (Eric's daughter) college graduation.
So stay tuned.