Last Thursday was Danica's birthday. Since a small group of us were going to see New Moon at midnight, we first went to Eric and Jeannette's house for a birthday party for Danica before we left for the movie.
So of course, the party had to have a "New Moon" theme.

There were all kinds of goodies with vampire or
werewolf names.

And here is the birthday girl Danica in her Team
Aro shirt. She says she is really on Team Edward, but thought she'd go to the movie as team
Aro (One of the

The "cut" cakes were red velvet.

Eric trying to be in the photo. The straws were blood suckers.

The "blood" was actually strawberry Crush soda.

Eric seemed to be in every photo.

Here is Danica opening up one of her presents. This was a helmet to use while riding their quads. It was from her mommy & daddy. She also got a pair of new boots from them that I didn't get a photo of. Her Aunt Laura gave her a cute jacket. I gave her a mirror for her bedroom wall & a mirror to use on a vanity. I didn't get photos of these items either. Oops!

Danica & her 2
bestest friends Bethany & Brittany.

Taylor drinking her blood from her blood sucker.
After we snacked at the house for awhile, we left for the movie at 9pm. Danica's friend Bethany's brother works at the movie theater & he said that there was already a line so we better get over to the theater.
We had to wait in line at the theater until 10:30pm when they finally let us inside. This particular theater was playing "New Moon" in only 4 theaters. Once we got let inside, we had to go to a specific theater. There was 8 of us in our group but we were not all able to sit together. We had to split up into 3 smaller groups.

Here is Danica & Bethany sitting together inside the theater.

Taylor & her Aunt Laura (my sister in law Jeannette's sister).

Taylor & me.
Laura, Taylor & I were able to find seats in the middle section of the theater. The only bad thing is this particular theater is an older one. It doesn't have stadium style seats. So every time someone wanted to come in or out of our aisle, we had to stand up to let them pass. Luckily once the movie started no one moved.
It was great fun getting to see "New Moon" at midnight. I was a bit tired when the movie first started, but by the end I was wide awake. The movie let out at 2:30am. And I got home about 3am.
I know that everyone that went had a great time. Laura and Jeannette were suppose to go see the movie again the next morning. Jeannette didn't want to stay up to go to the midnight show. And I know that Danica, Taylor & there friends were all planning on seeing it again the next day as well.
I'm sure by now, they have all probably seen it at least 3 or 4 times by now. I will probably wait until it comes out on DVD to see it again.
Before seeing the movie I was definitely a member of Team Edward. But the guy who played Jacob made me want to be on the Team Jacob bandwagon. So now, I'm torn.
I guess I better start reading the 3rd book in the Twilight series so I'll be ready for the next movie when it comes out in June.
Are you a Twilight fan? Which team are you on?