"A Mother carries the child in her womb for nine months and in her heart for the rest of her life".
These few words sum up the meaning and significance of the word Mother. Mother is undoubtedly the most beautiful and lovable word in any language. This goes to show the importance of mother in our lives.
Mother stands for millions of things she gives to her children; it also stands for sacrifices, pain, grief and sorrows which she has to undergo to keep her children happy and secure. No joy can match the joy of a mother looking at her child, those craving eyes-deeper than a whole ocean.
The most important woman in an individuals life is her/his mother. Her presence affects us our entire life and she can't be replaced by anyone.
Celebrated every year, Mother's Day is an occasion when individuals express their love and respect that they have for their mother. It's time to pamper her for all she has done for us over the years. On Mother's Day you can tell your Mom that she will always be important to you all and that you will continue to love her forever.
While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium which also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.
Just wanted to wish Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the rest of you moms. I love my mom more than anything & I am lucky to have her as my mom. I'm sure the rest of you feel that way about your mom too.
And I feel so blessed that I am also a mom. There is nothing better in the world than to be a mom (being a dad probably is close, but I wouldn't know).
Trivia about Mothers...
There are 84 million mom's in the U.S.
The youngest mother on record was Lina Medina, who delivered a 6½-pound boy by cesarean section in Lima,
Peru in 1939, at the age of 5 years and 7 months.
The odds of a woman delivering twins is 1-in-33. Her odds of having triplets is approximately 1-in-539.
August is the most popular month in which to have a baby.
Kentucky has the highest percentage of women who are mothers at 67%. The national average is 57%.
About 4 million women will have babies this year.
The median age of a woman giving birth for the first time in the U.S. is 24.8.
Daughters keep in closer contact with their mothers than do sons. (Pew Research)
There are more phone calls made on Mother's Day than on any other day of the year. (Pew Research)
The number of people calling their moms on Mother's Day has declined in recent years due to e-mail and other electronic means of communication.
While nearly 80 percent of Americans will buy a card for mom this year, 83 percent of the cards will be purchased by daughters. (
American Greetings)
Mother's Day is the third-largest card-sending holiday.
Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants.
I hope that all of you have a great Mother's Day!!