Welcome to the first edition of the Friday Family Face. This week we are spotlighting ME!!!!!

Kimberly Ann Langston St.Clair Chalfant was born on 08/21/58. This year she turned 50 years young. Kim is the oldest of 5 children in the Langston family. She is currently married to Mike and between them they have 3 boys, Brandan (his) 25 years old, Brandon (hers) 25 years old & Jesse (his) almost 18 years old. She also has 1 daughter in law Crystal 26 years old & 1 grandson named Gunner who turned 1 in August. Mike & Kim have been married for 2 years but have been together for 12 years.
Kim currently lives in Sun City, CA & purchased her first home 2 1/2 years ago. She works as an insurance agent for a small independent insurance agency selling personal auto & homeowners insurance. Kim hates insurance, but it pays the bills.
Kim also sells on ebay. She has taken a break for the past few months but is looking forward to selling again. She sells Shabby Chic or Cottage decorating style items. Her ebay name is starshinechic.
I asked Kim some questions & this is how she responded:

1) What is your favorite vacation spot or place to travel?
I would have to say my favorite place that I've been is Europe. We went about 5 years ago when Mike turned 50. I loved Paris and Venice the most. I'm hoping to go back someday.
2) What is your favorite food or drink that is not good for you?
My weakness is Pepsi. I'm fat because of Pepsi. What more can I say?

3) What has been your biggest challenge or something you struggle with?
I would have to say my weight. I love to eat & drink Pepsi. I'm a social eater. I love the taste of food. If there is food around, I will eat it.
4) What are you really good at?
I'm probably best at being busy & getting nothing accomplished.

5) What celebrity crushes did you have as a teenager?
I loved David Cassidy & Donny Osmond. Oh and the Monkees (that was more as a child)
6) What do you love about being a grandparent?
I love that I get to do all the fun stuff & don't have to do the bad stuff.

7) What surprises you the most about adult life?
That you have many more rules to follow than when you were a child.
8) What is your favorite thing to do?
I love to go shopping at antique stores or thrift stores. I don't get to do that as much as I would like. Old Town Temecula has a lot of neat antique stores.

9) What is your favorite decorating style?
I love Shabby Chic, but unfortunately I live in a household of boys. So I only get to decorate my office at work this way. My china hutch at home is decorated this way too. I also love black & white, especially toile. My bedroom is done in this style.
10) Are you a morning or night person?
Definitely a night person. I don't go to bed until midnight. The only night I have trouble staying up late is New Years Eve. Murphy's law or something like that.

11) What are you listening to?
I love oldies. Especially the 70's. I love old rock, disco. I don't listen to much current music. Mostly oldies & talk radio. I don't own an I pod.
12) What has been the hardest decision in life so far?
The hardest decision was getting a divorce from Brandon's dad. But it worked out OK as I am finally happy.

13) What is your favorite memory of Grandma & Grandpa Manning?
Going on vacation with them to Yellowstone. I went fishing for the fist time, talked to much, ate too much chicken, saw my first moose & bear and rescued a wounded bird. I was 8 years old & had so much fun.
14) What is your favorite childhood or teenage memory?
When I was a teenager we went to G&G's for Christmas. Wanted a white Christmas really bad but it wasn't in the forecast. Went to bed on Christmas Eve with no snow & woke up Christmas morning to about 6 inches of snow. It was magical!!!

15) What is one word that describes you?