I have a new obsession. And it's called Facebook. Are you a member? Want to be my friend? I finally joined Facebook. Better late than never I guess. You've got to remember that I just joined My Space last year. I've never been known to be hip & current. A little behind the times is more my style.
Well in joining today I got the fun task of looking up old friends that I have lost touch with over the years. One of those people is my friend Janice. Now Janice was my room mate when I lived in Provo in the early 80's. She was also my friend along with our friend Brenda. But Janice was my bestest friend. I didn't know Janice before she became my room mate. We were lucky, we just hit it off & became friends right away.
I'm sorry to say that we lost touch with one another over the years. So I was so happy when she accepted my friend invite & she even instant messaged me. We had a good IM chat & brought each other up to date with each others lives & families.
When I got home tonight I decided that I would find some old photos of Janice & I when we were bestest friends. She is going to kill me for this.
So without further adieu I give you Janice:

This is how I will always remember Janice. Sticking her tongue out for photos. She was a riot.
Here we are in our feetsy pajamas showing our love for one another. And no, we are not gay. Just best friends.

We had a total of 6 girls who shared a 3 bedroom apartment. Most of us didn't know each other before being room mates. We not only shared a room upstairs in the apartment, but we were lucky enough to also share the dungeon bedroom with the spiral staircase. That was the prime bedroom. Here we are hanging off the staircase. We were the most shy & reserved kind of girls. What you don't believe me? Did you notice the "Starshine forever" sign on the wall? I used to write Starshine forever on everything. I was Starshine. See where I came up with
Starshine Chic name for my other blog?

Janice & I dressed up for Halloween 1981. Did you notice my black hair? I dyed it for Halloween. I was night time. Can you guess what Janice was?

Janice, me & our other best friend Brenda. The three of us did most everything together. This was taken in Salt Lake at Trolley Square.

And finally we have Janice & Larry's wedding. I was a bridesmaid. I loved our bridesmaid outfits as we could wear them more than once. Just take off the sash & bow.

I had a fun time going through photos of Janice & I. Janice was always a hoot. We had the most fun together. I really wish that we lived closer, but she lives in Utah & I live in California. Did you notice how skinny I was in these photos? This is the thinnest I have ever been. I will never be this thin again. And did you notice my Farrah Fawcett hairstyle? I loved it!!!
Well I hope that Janice doesn't mind that I posted photos of her & me. Janice rarely took a normal photo. That is what I loved about her. I miss her & I am so happy that we have reconnected.
Who have you reconnected with? And what is your latest obsession?
1 comment:
How fun to find your super fun friend again and relive all those fabulous moments! I still am behind times and only use facebook to gather in our YSA and check up on our kids:)
Thanks for the smile:)
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