Chari over at Happy to Design is again hosting "Sunday Favorites". I love this party as it let's us post something we shared in the past that you may have missed the first time around. Be sure to visit Chari (she is a hoot) and you will also find the list of this weeks participants.
Now when I originally started this blog it was for my extended family only. I tried to get them all involved in blogging by having my own weekly parties. I started one called Monday Show & Tell. Each week I had a different theme that I wanted everyone to participate in. Unfortunately I was the only member of my family that participated. So I thought I would share this particular post with all of you now since you have become part of my extended family. And you all "get" this blogging thing.
This post I originally wrote on 9/28/08. Since I originally posted this, our bedroom has changed slightly. But you'll have to wait for another "Sunday Favorites" to see. I even enjoy reposting as I can see how I've changed things up.
Welcome to the first edition of the Monday Show & Tell. This week we are showing our favorite room in our home.
My favorite room in my house is my bedroom. I love my bedroom as this is where I get to relax & sleep. I love black & white, especially toile. And I love Paris, so most everything in my room reflects this.

In the summertime I use this white matlasse coverlet. But in the winter, I have a heavier comforter that is black & white toile that matches my pillow shams.

This is my favorite Shabby Chic pitcher. I use it alot in my ebay photos as background. I collect pitchers. Mostly white, but I do have some with roses. I love pink roses & I love shabby chic.
These are my Joseph birthday girls. I got both at a thrift store for less than $5.00 each. I love them. I wanted to collect them when I was a little girl, but didn't. I got the "7" one for Taylor (Eric's youngest daughter) when she turned 7, but I loved it so much that I couldn't part with it. Sorry Taylor.
I got my Avon Eiffel Tower perfume decanter off ebay. I use it in alot of my ebay photos & people are always asking me where I got it.
I love Paris!!!!! Want to go back some day.

I also collect white vases. Here are some of my white pitchers & vases together on top of my armoire in my bedroom. I'm going to paint this armoire black someday. I'm always going to do something some day. My house is full of unfufilled dreams & gotta do someday.
Well there you have a sample of my favorite items in my favorite room in my house. As you can tell, I love black & white toile, Paris, pitchers, white vases, roses, antique dressers, mirrors and Joseph birthday girls. What do you love or collect?
Next week's topic: Backyards. Submit photos of your backyard. What are your favorite things in your backyard?
So now you know a little more about me & my favorite things in my favorite room in our house. Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to leave me a comment & let me know what the favorite room is in your home, and/or what you love or collect.