As you are all painfully aware, our economy sucks! Everyone is afraid to spend any money as we might not have it in the future. I've been on this bandwagon. I haven't made a significant purchase in a few months. Ok, I spend a few bucks at the Dollar Tree store, Michaels or Walmart every once in awhile. But I haven't purchased anything online in quite a long time.
Now I love to shop online. I could do it all day long (if I didn't have to work & if I were rich). But my household has been on a money freeze since we all found out we have to take a cut in pay to keep our jobs and since the economy has been so bad. So I have been a model girl (or woman) and haven't even looked at the catalogs that pile up in my mailbox. Nope, straight to the recycle bin. I haven't even looked at ebay or my other favorite online shops. You can't want something you don't see. That has been my strategy up to this point. And it had worked so far.
But today I was blindsided & I fell off the wagon. I got an email from Fine Living Network & they showed some pumpkin bowls that I just fell in love with. I could feel my heart racing, I couldn't hold out any longer. I couldn't help myself, I had to have them. So I hit the link & it took me to Crate & Barrel's website. There they were, my beautiful pumpkin bowls. They were cream color, not that ugly orange and they were only $3.95 each!!! Then I spotted the matching soup tureen for $12.95. How could I pass them up? They were calling my name.
They will look so pretty on my Thanksgiving table. Never mind that I have never served soup at Thanksgiving. I guess this year I will be serving some kind of soup & if you are lucky enough to come to my house for Thanksgiving, hopefully it won't be soup out of a can. I can't promise what the soup will taste like, but the bowls will be beautiful.
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