Bonjour! It's Wednesday & that means it is another episode of "What's on Your Wall Wednesday" hosted by the fabulous Barb at
Grits and Glamour. Be sure to stop on over to her blog to see what's on her wall and to find the list of all the other participants. It's quite fun & addicting. You know you want to peek!!
Last week I showed you the
walls in my office at work. This week, I am letting you into my master bedroom. Luckily we are only showing the stuff on our walls, as that is the only part of my room that is presentable at the moment. But I did make my bed, even though you can't see it. That counts for something right?
Six years ago we were lucky enough to travel to Europe on vacation. It was amazing & I highly recommend that everyone visit Europe at least once in your life. I especially loved Paris, so when we moved into our house I decided to decorate our room "
Frenchy" and in black & white. And of course we must have some
You can click on any photo to enlarge it.
Here we have the 3 plates hanging above my husbands dresser. I love these plates.

I bought this plate off of
ebay. I forgot to look to see who the maker is before I left home.

ebay find. I've had this plate for about 6 years. I love it!!!

This plate came from Marshall's or
TJ Maxx (aren't they the same thing?)

My husband made the leaded glass window. In fact, he made 2 of them. I've shown them before in a Metamorphosis Monday post, click
here to see better photos. I love the
fleur de lis design in the middle.

I bought this hanger at Ross about 6 years ago. I still love it!

This wall is the little area between the door to our room & the walk through to the bathroom. Can't remember where I got the
Bon Jour sign. The mirror came from
Mervyn's about 5-6 years ago. It is made to look like a ghost mirror with cloudy areas. The shelf came from
TJ Maxx years ago. The bird house on the left is actually a Christmas ornament. I put a candle inside. The bear is one of many in my bear collections. I've posted about my other bears
here. He has a pink Eiffel Tower sitting between his legs. The pink candle holder came from K Mart years ago & the cherub planter was a thrift store find. I should have taken a better photo of the fairy/cherub print below the shelf but I forgot. I got it off

These 3 prints I got when we were in Paris. I don't really like the frame they are in, but it works. I should paint it black. I'll put it on my to do list.

This tin sign I bought off a website a couple of years ago. She mostly sells Shabby Chic &
Frenchy stuff. I love her stuff. You should check her website out sometime, she has cute stuff & very reasonably priced.

I love this Eiffel Tower print. It came from Kirkland's last year. I bought it on clearance. I just hope it doesn't fall on our heads if we have an earthquake. But the bed is pulled away from the wall, so I'm hoping if we do have an earthquake, it will just fall off behind the bed. Cross your fingers!!!

This set up is over a small
child's dresser that is by my side of the bed.

This is my favorite thing on my wall (at least for now). My brother in law found the old frame at the dump & knew I was looking for one. And then one day I was walking through the mall & I saw this black & white poster of vintage Paris. I fell in love with it immediately & knew I wanted to hang it behind the window. I wanted it to feel like I was walking up each morning looking at Paris. Can you think of anything better?

I got this little plaque at
TJ Maxx years ago. I loved it as it reminded me of our trip to Venice & to Italy.

These 3 plates hang above the french doors leading out to our backyard. I purchased them off
ebay a few years back.

So there you have the walls of my bedroom. I showed you everything except for 1 small wall that holds a shelf with my girlie things. I didn't take a photo as everything needed to be dusted & I was just too lazy to do it. Sorry! I'll save it for another post.
Hope you enjoyed taking a peek into my master bedroom walls. Leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by & I'll return the favor.
Revoir et salut until next week!!!