It's time for "What's on you wall Wednesday" hosted by the fabulous Barb over at
Grits and Glamour. Be sure to visit her blog to see the moss letter she made to hang on one of her walls. While you are there you find the list of this weeks participants.
This week I am showing you my master bathroom. You will find one major theme running throughout my house. White walls. I know, I could hear you all gasp. I lived in apartments for most of my adult life with white walls. I always said that when I owned a house I would never have white walls. But guess what? My house has white walls & we have lived here for almost 4 years.
I have white walls not because I love white walls, it's mostly because I am too lazy to paint & I am commitment phobic (I can't decide on a color to paint each room). And I have a hubby who can do anything, but hates painting. Plus he had just painted every wall white prior to our purchasing the house (we was working for the prior owner getting it ready to flip when we decided to buy it). So he said the walls don't need painting yet. Someday I will have color on my walls (probably when I decide not to be so lazy & finally choose a color). But until then, white ain't so bad.

This is the wall above my tub. The window mirror came from JC Penny catalog years ago on clearance. The shelf I've had for years & I painted it white. About a year ago we heard a loud crash in the middle of the night. We awoke to find this shelf & everything on it in the tub. It seems one of the sawtooth hangers on the back came off & down came the shelf. Most everything on this shelf now was on the shelf then, except for the stained glass rose and the vase with the seashells. I did have a couple of casualties though. Two crystal candle holders shattered into a million pieces & were not salvageable. So I picked up a couple of replacements at Home Goods & by shopping my house. The largest crystal candle holder did not break (miraculously). The french bottle broke, but hubby glued it back together. The 2 birdies also got broken. Hubby glued them back together, remade their tails & painted them. They look perfect now. As you can see I have added more to my shelf than what was on it originally when it fell. I like tempting fate. I'm pretty confident my hubby made sure this shelf wasn't falling again. I have faith in him. But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

Here is a closeup of what's on the shelf. The french bottle w/flowers came from Mervyn's a few years back. The crystal candle holder is my replacement from Home Goods. It is sitting on a little silver tray from the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. The birdies were from Tender Heart Treasures catalog. The candelabra is from Home Goods a few years ago. And I already told you hubby made the rose stained glass piece BK (before Kim, which is me).

Here is the right side of the shelf. The smaller crystal candle holder I already had & was a replacement for one that broke. The larger one (the miraculous one that didn't break) I've had for years as well. Not sure where either came from originally, probably from a thrift store. The glass vase with the shells I got on clearance at Marshall's last year. The shells I probably got from Marshall's or Ross for my wedding 3 years ago.

I think this sign came from Home Goods a few years ago. I love anything Frenchy!!!

This plaque was an ebay purchase a few years back. We went to Europe in 2003 & when I got back I was in a French kick (still am).

Here is the entire wall over the bathtub. Notice that I didn't show you my bathtub? All I can say, be glad I didn't show it to you. It needs cleaning. It is a big garden tub & I have never taken a bath in it. I heard you gasp again. I am a shower girl. I do love baths, but I love Jacuzzis better & my tub isn't a jacuzzi tub, but I have a jacuzzi spa outside by the pool. So that is where I relax, outside in my jacuzzi. What is better than watching the stars at night? Plus I can't justify using all that water for a bath.

Here is the wall in my toilet area. Notice that I'm not showing you my toilet either. You'll see that I won't be showing you any of my bathroom fixtures. I was in a hurry to take these photos & my bathroom wasn't quite presentable. Maybe someday I'll show you everything.
The towels came from Ross. Except for the monogrammed hand towels, they came from Home Goods last year I believe. The Paris print was a thrift store find. I think I paid $3.00 for it.

Here is a close up of the print. It isn't the best photo as it's hard to take photos of prints that are behind glass. You get a lot of glare and/or reflection.

This is one of the walls in the little entry area between our master bedroom & the master bath. I got this shelf/rack at Target a long time ago. This is where we hand our jammies & bathrobes and some of my jewelry. Above I have some tin boxes. The 2 on the right came from A Special Place catalog, they were part of Tender Heart Treasures. I loved A Special Place catalog. Was sad to see it go away. They merged it with Tender Heart Treasures, but even now they don't have much of this type of stuff.

The teddy bear dressed as a lamb I've had for years. Not sure where I got it. The sign above with the cherub & french writing came from ebay. The box on the left, I can't remember where I got that. But it matches the other boxes pretty good.

Right across from the above shelf is my linen closet/vanity area (again I am not going to show you this area as it is a mess & it is not what is on my wall). But these prints of Paris are on my wall. The frames came from Aaron Brothers Art at one of their penny sales. Buy one frame at regular price, get 2nd frame for a penny. The Moulin Rouge print is actually a photo we took while in Paris. I just printed it out in black & white. The top photo of the Eiffel Tower & the bottom photo of Paris from the 1920's I printed off a CD I have with vintage Paris prints. I love these frames & prints.

On the back wall of my vanity area I have this little frame/mirror (more glare & reflection). The vintage prints I printed out on my computer from my CD. You can see some of the items in my vanity area. Someday I promise to clean up this area & show you (you'll probably notice dust on my vanity items). I collect perfume bottles & love vanity items so I have lots.
Well there you have what's on my walls in my master bathroom. I really only have one wall that I can decorate in my master bath (the wall with the window mirror & shelf) which is the north wall. The rest of this wall has my shower. The east wall is the mirrored doors to our walk in closet. And the vanity/linen area. The west wall is where our double sinks are so a huge mirror takes up this wall, along with a window. Someday hubby is going to make a stained glass window for this window. The south wall has the door to our toilet area, a medicine cabinet mirror & clock which I did not take a photo of, as well as the walkway to our bedroom. The toilet area does have a window in there that hubby is planning on making a stained glass window for. I should have taken a photo of the stained glass piece we have standing in the window for now. At least I can look out, but no one can look in. I still don't turn on the bathroom light while in the toilet area though.
Well there you have what's on my master bathroom walls. I promise you that you are not missing anything not seeing my entire bathroom. It is your standard builders grade bathroom with faux marble counter & oak vanity with white fake tile around tub & in shower. And we have teal blue carpeting on the floor. I know, carpeting in the bathroom? I would love to put down tile, but it's a money issue. So for now I have to live with my teal carpet. But I do want to paint my cabinets black. Maybe some day.
So what's on your walls?