By now I'm sure you've heard about the mass exodus of the Target birds salt & pepper shakers. It was almost as big as the Jews exodus out of Egypt with Moses, but not quite. If you didn't hear about it, you need to hurry on over to Susan's at
Between Naps on the porch to find out all about it and to see where everyone's birdies went to.
Well my little birdies Harold & Maude just got back. That is why I am late in posting, they got delayed on their flight back home so they barely walked in the door. We hurried up & downloaded their photos to share with all of you.
So I will hand off my post to them so they can share all their fun adventures with you.
Hello everyone out there in blogland. This is Harold here. Glad to finally meet you all. Kim asked me & Maude, or should it be Maude & I, anyways, she asked us to tell you what we did when we were on our little vacation, or holiday.
First off, we were just sitting on the table like we normally do when we got the word that all the Target birdies were taking a holiday. A holiday is something we haven't been on in a real long time. But where should be go for our holiday? Maude said "We should take a trip around the world!". That was perfect. Since we couldn't make up our minds as to where to go, we might as well see everything. Well everything that we could fit into the little time we were away.
So we hitched a ride with Teddy. He was already all packed & ready to leave. He said he had room in his suitcase for us, so Maude & I packed up & away we went.

Our first stop was Las Vegas. Teddy had a convention there. So while Teddy was busy at his meetings, Maude & I decided to do a little gambling.

Maude was my lucky charm. We hit the big jackpot & won enough money so that we could travel around the world. "Where to next?" I asked Maude. She said, "How about Venice? I've always wanted to ride in a gondola." So Venice it was. We said goodbye to Teddy in Vegas (he lost all his money gambling so he wasn't able to continue on with us).
Next stop, Venice. Here is Maude & I on our gondola ride in Venice Italy. It was so romantic. Just what the doctor ordered. Since I'm a pretty good singer, we didn't need the gondelier to sing to us, so I kicked him off the gondola to give Maude & me some privacy. Kim had told me how romantic Venice is & she was right. Everyone should go to Venice & ride a gondola. And if you can't get to Venice, you can ride a gondola in Vegas too. But Venice is soooo much better.

Next Maude wanted to go to Paris. Since we were in a romantic mood, what place is more romantic than Paris? So off we flew to Paris, the city of lights. Our favorite spot in Paris was the Eiffel Tower. There's one in Vegas too, but the real one in Paris is a lot bigger & has better views. Plus it's Paris!!! No comparison!

While in Paris we decided to see the Paris Opera House. Maude loves the musical Phantom of the Opera & wanted to see where the story was suppose to be about. We even got to play the phantom's organ. But we never saw or heard the phantom. Maude was a little dissapointed.

After Paris we went to London. Here we are visiting Big Ben. We went to visit the Queen, but she wasn't at home.

Maude next wanted to go to Transylvania to see if we could see Dracula. She loves Dracula and vampires. Here we are at Count Dracula's castle. We couldn't find Dracula, so Maude wanted our picture taken with one of his gargoyles. If you can't have Dracula, I guess a gargoyle will have to do.

Next we went to Budapest as Maude had heard about the famous Turkish baths. A little too old & grungy for me. But Maude felt rejuvinated afterwards. And that is what is most important.

By this time Maude had seen most everything she wanted to see in Europe. She was a little cold & wanted some warmer weather. So we stopped off on a deserted island. It was deserted all right. There was no living thing on this island. Luckily we found this piece of driftwood so we had some shelter for the night. We got off this island as fast as we could the next day. Deserted islands aren't all their cracked up to be.

Maude said she wanted to see some wild animals. So we stopped off in Africa to go on a safari. Wow! Seeing the animals in their natural habitats was amazing. We got a little too close to a lion during our safari (see below). But it was totally worth it as we got such a cool photo. I'm just glad we weren't dinner for him. You might not want to try this one yourself, we had some other birdies on the safari with us who did become supper. Just glad it was them & not us. Is that selfish?

After Africa we decided to give the Carribean a try. Found an island with people, a nice hotel with a nice pool. We met Rex while hanging out at the pool. Rex is the local celebrity. We lived the high life while hanging with Rex.

We got kind of bored hanging out at the pool and beaches while in the Caribbean so Rex suggested we go to the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico & see the Mayan ruins. So off we flew. Here we are with one of the artifacts found there. Is that statue sticking his tounge out at us?

Here we are climbing up the steps of the Pyramid Kukulcan at Chichen Itza. It is the most visited ruin on the Yucatan penisula.

During the Spring and Fall equinoxes, (March 21 & Sept 21) the setting sun creates shadows down the steps of the pyramid that resemble a snake descending. This is a popular event to see and usually draws big crowds.

Next we decided to fly to Japan. Here we found pachinko machines to play. They were quite fun & entertaining. It was almost like we were back in Vegas playing on the slot machines.

By this time in our holiday we were ready to head back to the states. We stopped off in Florida so we could swim with the dolphins.

Tried some white water rafting on the Colorado river while visiting the Grand Canyon.

Stayed in a haunted house down in Louisiana. Didn't see any ghosts though. Big disappointment. Maude was happy, she doesn't like ghosts (unless it's the Phantom of the opera).

And finally we arrived back home. Stopped off in the front yard to see if the strawberries had grown while we were away. Nope. Looks like no strawberries yet. Too bad, we love strawberry smoothies.

We are just glad that we decided to fly instead of taking the boat we were originally booked on. Looks like Christopher Columbus was wrong. The world is flat!!!

Oh well, Maude & I are happy to be home. There's no place like home. The end!

And since most of the photos were taken in my backyard, I am also linking up with Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at
A Southern Daydreamer. Be sure to visit her blog & see all the participants there as well.
I hope these birds are resting up after all that--you really put so much detail in! Thanks for sharing the fun!
I'm so glad that your birds stopped by Florida where I live. It's a shame that my birds were not home to offer them some birdseed, but as you know, they're traveling.
Hello Girlfriend...
Ohhh my...what an amazing journey your little Harold and Maude took us on!!! I just loved listening to their travel journies and WOWZER...did they get some great photos!!! I'm not sure if I can pick a favorite...they were all absolutely divine!!! Thank you, Harold and Maude for sharing your Holiday with us!!!
Okay...my friend, your backyard is absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm just green with envy...seriously!!! Soooo beautiful!!!
Love ya,
I just love your topiary. You have a fabulous backyard. How lovely the little birds could trip to Paris. Invite me back for some of those strawberry smoothies!
Hey, did your birdies see mine when they were at the Eiffel Tower? Yours really had a great trip! Linda
Boy, your birds really had the holiday of their dreams! Glad they hit a jackpot to pay for it all!!!! Very cute post! :D Jewel
I loved following them around! It was so fun to see all the countries they've been in but I loved the gondola ride the best! ;-)Harold and Maude certainly knew their destinations!
LOL!!! looks like your birds are quite the sophisticated world travelers and really know how to have a good time!
Oh, Kim! What a marvelous time your little feathered friends have had! I'm glad I got to go along with them. Poor poor Teddy, hope he got home okay!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My goodness, it certainly looks like you had alot of fun with this post Kim. I had a great time reading it!! Thanks for sharing and have a great rest of the week!! Kim
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Kim...Sorry I haven't been around as much lately..... I haven't felt good. Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Kim this was soooo cute!
Dracula's Castle.
Boy that was a long flight! You are so imaginative! This was such a cute post!
Your little birds really got around :>) Great post. I enjoyed reading it. You have a very pretty blog.
Wow, they truly are world travelers, aren't they?
Wow, your birdies had a wonderful trip around the world. Your backyard is a very interesting place. Great imagination and fun.
Kim, that was so cute! Loved all of the places Harold and Maude visited! They did a great job of telling us all about the sites they saw and the places they visited. Glad they made it back home safely. laurie
Hi neighbor! Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello. I was just in awe about getting visited by bloggers from all over the world, but it's like meeting an old friend when you find one so nearby. The Temecula farmer's market is on Saturdays from 9-1. Lot's of good food, produce, and plants. Murrieta has one too, but I haven't visited that yet. Hope to hear from you again soon!
What a wonderful adventure Harold and Maude had! This post was really cute and creative!
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