Sorry that I am sooooo late in posting today. Since I have been sick I decided today would be the day I did absolutely nothing. So I layed around & rested all day. Then I remembered it was Friday & time for the Friday Family Face, so I thought I better post this.
This week we are spotlighting Kira & Stewart Pope. So we get a two for one this week. Kira is Marti's third daughter and Stewart is her husband. They have one child, Kylee Elisse, and she is 4 months old.
Kira loves to play sports. She will drop anything to play a sport. She says that lately it has been difficult finding the time to get out and play. She also loves to make things. Since Kylee was born she has been working on making her a crib set, making bows for Kylee's hair, and making nursing covers for her friends. She enjoys doing things for other people, and seeing how happy it makes them. Blogging has become one of her obsessions (I can relate). She wants to learn photography, and will hopefully sign up for a class soon. The majority of her time is taken up by being a mom, which is her dream come true. Kira loves the time she gets to spend with her beautiful baby girl. She is such a blessing in their lives. She loves her husband and everything he does for their family. Stewart is a blessing in her life. To Kira, he is the perfect man.
Kira's answers to the questionnaire:
Your full name? Kira Rose Pope
Your age? 26
Spouse’s name? Stewart Andrew Pope
Children’s names & ages? Kylee Elisse Pope: 17 weeks
Job description: Stay at home mom/Graduate Student
Where do you live? Springville, Ut (soon to be moving back to Ca)
Places you have lived: Templeton, Ca; Fullerton, Ca; Provo, Ut; Springville, Ut
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Close to family;either San Antonio, Tx or Southern California somewhere.
Education: AS: general studies; BS: Kinesiology emphasis in Athletic Training (Certified Athletic Trainer); Working on a MS: Exercise Science emphasis in Athletic Training (I only have my thesis to finish)
Happiest childhood memory? Playing with my cousins outside on the ranch!
Happiest memory of teenage years? My first boyfriend
Happiest moment in life? Getting married and when Kylee was born!
What makes you happy? Besides my family, which is obvious; it would have to be…when I get to spend the day doing what I want to do. I get to make my own plans. Especially not having to work. What makes you laugh? My husband when he is around other people, and Kylee when she does something silly.
What makes you cry? Sad movies (when people die) and when people let me down.
What scares you? I am scared of scary movies, and something happening to anyone in my family. I have nightmares that something happens to Kylee and it really freaks me out.
What has been your biggest challenge or something you struggle with? My Thesis!
Who has been the biggest influence on your life, or who is your hero? Stew, Christ, my mom, Erin, and my cousin Heather
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? Spend the time with Kylee and Stew, while going around telling everyone goodbye. I would probably write a long letter to Stew and Kylee telling them how much I love them. I would also write letters to a few other people to. I bet my hand would be so tired and cramped from writing it would need the bodily rest that comes with dieing.
Before you die, you would like to: get very old and see all of my grandchildren!
What do you (or did you) want to be when you grow (grew) up? When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a nurse. In high school I wanted to be a Landscape Architect and in college I wanted to be an Athletic Trainer. However, through it all I always wanted to be a Mom. Now I am happy because I am an Athletic Trainer and a Mom!
What is your ultimate goal in life? Be Happy!
What has been your greatest accomplishment? Graduating with my bachelors and passing my certification test! And becoming a mom!

What do you think is the world’s biggest problem? People thinking that their way of life/opinion is the only way and anyone who disagrees with them is always wrong.
Are you a spiritual person? Very. I’m LDS!
What is something you believe in? My Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
What has been your hardest decision in life so far? Where to go to college.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? I do never done anything really crazy. I am one who plays it really really safe, but I did sneak two people into a BYU football game when they played Utah Utes last year.
What are your goals for the next 5 years: Move to Ca, finish my thesis, and have more children What are you really good at? Being creative and crafty
Do you weigh yourself? And if so, how often? Only at doctor appointments, which is now only once a year. What are you listening to these days? Usually country, but as soon as Kylee recognizes what is on I will start listening to Children songs.
What are you most proud of? My education and family.
What is something no one knows about you? I am too vocal to keep secrets. If you ask me I will tell you.
Are you a dog or cat person? 100% Dog!
Are you a morning or night person? Can I choose afternoon?
What is your pet peeve? *see what is wrong with the world* and people not rinsing their dishes
What do you love about your spouse? His humility and how he takes care of me before himself. When & where did you meet your spouse? I met him in Fullerton, Ca while I was going to school. He was in my singles ward. I knew him for about two years before I became really good friends with him, and then we started dating.
When & where you married? May 5, 2007 LA Temple
What do you love about motherhood or fatherhood? The daily surprises and watching her learn new things.
What is your motto? Be of good cheer.
What celebrity crushes did you have as a teen? I was to busy with sports and school to have a celebrity crush.
One thing you love about your body? My eyes
Something on your mind lately is? How I am going to find the time and motivation to finish my thesis.
Your life would be more simpler if? I did not have to write a thesis, and I can still get my Masters. What surprises you most about your adult life? How much I have changed since I was a teenager. What is the nicest compliment anyone has offered you? “I miss having you around. You were like my mom.” Name 2 objects you use in your everyday life: my computer and Kylee’s binky (it is my lifesaver) What did you do for Halloween? Went and planned a ward Halloween party. We went as Kylee’s conscience. I was the devil and Stew was the angel. Kylee was half of each of us; half angel and half devil.
What are you going to do for Thanksgiving? Go to Idaho Falls with Stew’s sister-in-law’s family.
What are you going to do for Christmas? Going home to Templeton to spend a few weeks with the family.
Favorite food or drink? Ice cream
Favorite food or drink that is not good for you? Anything sweet
Favorite treat or dessert? This yummy butterfinger ice cream thing my friend makes.
Favorite ice cream? It used to be vanilla, but since we are in Utah and can get BYU creamery ice cream I have a ton of favorites now!
Favorite place to eat out? PF Changs
Favorite vacation spot or place to travel? We love cruises
Favorite color? Red
Favorite movie? Disney’s Mulan
Favorite book? Jane Ere
Favorite thing to do or favorite pastime? Being creative
Favorite holiday & why? Christmas. I get to give people things that I know that they will like. Also, I get to spend time with family and I love the family traditions.
Favorite decorating style? I like shabby chic or classy country Favorite day of week & why? Saturday, because Stew is home with me all day and we can do what ever we want.
Favorite memory of Grandma & Grandpa Manning? I only have one memory of Grandma Manning and that was when we came up for a Bunker family reunion and stopped by to visit her one day. We got to eat ice cream out on her patio.
Favorite possession? My car
One word that describes you? Motherly
Your advice to others? Be happy. Notice all the blessings that you have in your life right now. Start a list of all the things that make you happy. Even list the little things such as flowers, naps, green lights, etc. You will be surprised at all the good things that are in your life. Plus, it will help to focus on the positive things instead of the negatives.

Here are Stewart's answers to the questionnaire:
Your full name? Stewart Pope
Your age? 32
Spouse’s name? Kira Pope
Children’s names & ages? Kylee (Ask my wife :)
Job description: Aviation marketing and sales
Where do you live? Springville Utah
Places you have lived: Orange County, CA, Lexington KY, Cinci, OH.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Orange County, CA
Education: High School
Happiest childhood memory? Mothers day fishing trips with Dad.
Happiest memory of teenage years? Motorcycle riding
Happiest moment in life? Marriage
What makes you happy? Kylee
What makes you laugh? Kylee
What makes you cry? Not much
What scares you? My wife sneaking in on me when I'm taking a shower.
What has been your biggest challenge or something you struggle with? Finding time to find a house to buy.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life, or who is your hero? Marie Allred (childhood baby-sitter / Seminary teacher)
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? Spend all day telling Kira and Kylee how much I love them.
Before you die, you would like to: Make sure the rest of my family is financially stable.
What do you (or did you) want to be when you grow (grew) up? Professional football player
What is your ultimate goal in life? Make sure the rest of my family is financially stable.
What has been your greatest accomplishment? Successfully owning and operating a commercial aviation distribution company for the last 8 yrs.
What do you think is the world’s biggest problem? News Media
Are you a spiritual person? depends on who you talk to.
What is something you believe in? I believe in my wife's ability to be an excellent mom.
What has been your hardest decision in life so far? Moving to Utah :)
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? You don't want to know.... but some would say walking a high wire over the river at needles and hanging upside down by my knees and letting go doing a full flip before landing in the water about 35 feet below. Or just regular cliff jumping from roughly 70-80' depending on how high or low the water was.
What are your goals for the next 5 years: get out of Utah
What are you really good at? Everything

Do you weigh yourself? And if so, how often? No way
What are you listening to these days? talk radio
What song describes you & your life? Not as good as I once was.
What are you most proud of? Kylee
Are you a dog or cat person? Dog
Are you a morning or night person? night
What is your pet peeve? Stupid people
What do you love about your spouse? right now, I love how much she takes care of Kylee
When & where did you meet your spouse? Church, Fullerton
What keeps your marriage spicy? Her reading this questionnaire, and laughing at my answers.
When & where you married? Cinco De Mayo, Los Angeles LDS Temple.
What do you love about motherhood or fatherhood? Seeing that little girl smile melts my heart, Seeing that little girl Cry Breaks my heart. (and hearing that little girl cry makes me have to Tivo the game)
What do you love about being a grandparent? That I'm not one.
What is your theme song? Not as good as I once was.
What is your motto? Get out of the way let me do it.
One thing you love about your body? Thats there's lots of it!
Something on your mind lately is? Moving to CA
Your life would be more simpler if? I had 10 million dollars.
What surprises you most about your adult life? Marriage :-)
What is the nicest compliment anyone has offered you? Wow your athletic.
Name 2 objects you use in your everyday life: Pen / Computer
What did you do for Halloween? church party
What are you going to do for Thanksgiving? Spend it in Idaho with my brothers in-laws.
What are you going to do for Christmas? spend it with my in-laws.
Favorite food or drink? steak and potatoes
Favorite food or drink that is not good for you? Del-Taco.
Favorite treat or dessert? Home made ice-cream
Favorite ice cream? Rocky Road
Favorite vacation spot or place to travel? Glamis (Sand Dunes)
Favorite color? Blue
Favorite thing to do or favorite pastime? Motorcycle riding / Golfing
Favorite time of day & why? between 3 and 4, coming home to see my girls.
Favorite thing about yourself? wife
Favorite possession? Wife
Your advice to others? Figure it out yourself.
Thanks to the both of you for letting us get to know you better.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I hope that you will post about your Christmas this Monday for Show and Tell.