For Part 1 I will tell you about our weekend with Gunner. For those of you who haven't been paying attention, Gunner is my Grandson. He is sooooo cute!!!! I'm a little prejudice I know, but who cares. I am a Grandma, I'm entitled.
Anyways, yesterday was my stepson Brandan's 26th birthday (not to be confused with my son Brandon). Happy birthday Brandan!!! I forgot to post a shout out to you yesterday. Well, Brandan & his wife Crystal wanted some alone time this past weekend to celebrate his birthday. So they asked if Gunner could spend Friday night & Saturday with us at our house. Mike jumped at the chance to say "Yes" without remembering that I was just diagnosed with pneumonia (this is the part where you all feel sorry for me). Mike couldn't understand why I wasn't excited to have my Grandson come stay with us. I then reminded him I was sick (it's still OK to feel sorry for me again). He said "No problem", he would take care of Gunner. So on Friday evening, he drove down to San Diego county to pick up Gunner & bring him home.
Luckily by the time he got back, I was feeling better. Aren't you all relieved? But Mike kept to his word & he took charge of Gunner. All I had to do was snuggle with Gunner. That's what I like doing best of all. We had no problems with him, he was an angel. The only problem is that our house isn't baby proof so we had to keep an eye on him at all times to make sure he wasn't getting into something he shouldn't.
Right now, Gunner has an obsession (and I mean OBSESSION) with ceiling fans. I had to hold him up so he could keep pulling the chains to turn on/off the light & fan. Over and over and over again. No wonder my ribs hurt so bad. Between coughing up my lungs & holding Gunner up in the air, my ribs are killing me. I guess I didn't just snuggle with him. Oh well, we had fun.
On Saturday we decided to take Gunner down to Old Town Temecula to see the lights and to visit with Santa. Danica came over & went with us. My Brandon stayed home as he wasn't feeling well. Brandan & Crystal drove up from San Diego to meet us so we could all go to dinner to celebrate Brandan's birthday & for them to pick up Gunner.
We barely made it to see Santa before he flew off in his sleigh, I mean, drove off in his car. Gunner didn't like Santa. He cried when he saw Santa. We tried twice to take photos with Santa & both times he cried. Mike even tried backing in Gunner to Santa's shack the 2nd time, but Gunner turned & saw Santa & began wailing. Poor Santa, he was a good sport. He's probably used to little kids being scared of him.
After Santa, we walked around Old Town a little bit but everyone was getting hungry so we headed off to dinner. We went to a Chinese Buffet in Temecula. It was good food. Brandan loves sushi & they have a sushi bar there. They also have a Mongolian BBQ, so this Chinese Buffet has it all!!!! Even crab legs!!! I love crab legs dipped in butter. But I could feel my arteries clogging up every time I dipped the crab in butter. So I didn't eat a lot. Plus it is a lot of work eating crab legs and with being sick, I just didn't have the energy. (I'll still take your sympathy. You can never get too much sympathy.)
After dinner, we all went back to our house for birthday cake, in this case, it was a carmel cheese cake. Yum, yum!!! But very rich, so you could only eat just a small portion. Plus we were so full from dinner. We gave Brandan a chef coat & hat (I forgot to take a photo). Brandan would be a chef if he could afford to go to culinary school. He loved it. He said he would wear them every time he is cooking from now on.
We didn't have birthday candles & Mike wanted a candle on the cake.
Don't pay attention to the boxes in the background. Remember I have been sick & I didn't get my Christmas boxes put away before company came over.
Then it was time to say goodbye to Brandan, Crystal and Gunner. We should had a good time with Gunner & can't wait until he can come back & spend some more time with us. I love being a Grandma!!!
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